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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Maple Sunday

Next week / Sunday is the official Maine "Maple Syrup Sunday"look on This is when folks share their maple syrup harvest. Today the Abenaki Club had their version. Leo made the syrup and Charlene made the crepes. It took a lot of folks pitching in but it was a success. The final count is not yet in but an estimate 2050 was made. This will help with taxes etc. The kids from the 4h helped to park cars and no one got stuck in the mud.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

One Week Away

Next Sunday March 15th is the Maple Sunday Breakfast at The Club House on Duke Lane.

Crepes , bacon , sausage , home fries, juice/coffee 6.00 adults 4$ children under 3 FREE

Sliegh rides 5.00 (if snow permits/ or wagon rides)